Saturday, May 07, 2005

Did He Pass???

Wow! Has it been that long since I last posted??? You must be dying to know whether my son, "passed" or not!

Good news! He did great and now is an official Idaho driver's license-carrying-person. Not that Alex drives all that much, but occasionally he drives a borrowed car.

He got a job at Walmart, and started this week. He's in charge of the dairy section; all things dairy like yogurt, eggs, cheese, and, of course, milk ("Man, people sure buy a lot of milk!") and guess what? He walks to work every day. Okay, it's only about three blocks. If he had a car, he should oughtta walk anyway, right?

I mean, I walk everywhere within a reasonable distance myself, leaving my car in the garage. Of course, with a gas guzzling SUV, why get it out unless you have to? The SUV was not my idea, by the way; it's totally my significant other's baby. And, actually, over time, I've decided it's quite a nice car, AND good for me, because I avoid driving it unless I have to, encouraging walking on my part, which can't be bad. (How's that for twisted rational?)

Anyway, now my son is working, and, being the tightwad--I mean--super saver that he is, he should have money saved up for a car of his own in no time. Then he can save up for insurance. And after that he can begin the real task of saving up for gasoline!


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