Sunday, July 09, 2006

Keep on Truckin', Man...

Remember the old addage, "Keep on truckin'"?

You don't?

Well, maybe I'm older than I thought. Come to think of it, a little kid DID ask me recently, "Why do you look so OLD?" Does it really show? Wow...

Anyway, it wasn't so long ago, man. Keep on truckin', that's what we said. I think it meant, keep on movin', walkin', doin' what you do best, and don't look back, man. (We said "man" a lot back then, too.)

Nowadays I think the meaning of truckin' has changed. Now it means actually driving trucks, I'm thinking. Especially here in Idaho, where 90% of the male population over the age of 12 has access to and drives a pickup truck, and 90% of those trucks are old, battered, and lacking a muffler. The favorite things to do with a pickup truck here are:

a) Lay rubber while turning a corner from a stationary position (summer) or squeal across the ice while turning a corner from a stationary position (winter).

b) Go off-road wheel-spinning in wet weather so as to return with your truck entirely covered with a rock-hard coat of dried grey-brown mud (which is more obviously desireable than the original dingy rust & yellow tones beneath).

c) Load all of your stringy haired friends into the bed of your pick-up truck, then speed down Main Street whooping and hollering as you pass an officer of the law.

So, turn your wimpy grocery carrier into the manly cargo hauler it was meant to be! And while your'e there, check out their great tips and safety suggestions - always a good idea. Right boys?


At 4:44 PM, Blogger RHurst said...

Great post! I am a large truck enthusiast. I would to check that store out and see if they have truck steps. My wife is always complaining about the hard time she has climbing in my truck.


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