Saturday, July 22, 2006

Let's Get Sensible, Now

Quick! Name the top three things that in my opinion reek havoc on the sensibilities of every otherwise normal American citizen!

Of course, you said:

1- Religion
2- Politics
3- Credit cards

Okay, the answers were so obvious, I apologize! (Next quiz will be harder, I promise.) What else besides these three things would cause people to do things that border on insanity???

Religion: Obvious one here. People have always been a little (or very) weird when it comes to acting on "what they believe in." Need we even go there?

Politics: Oh my God, don't get me started. I grew up in a Republican family, then registered as an Independent as soon as I turned 18. Later, I used my brain and decided to become a Democrat. Unfortunately, most people look at politics like they do religion. They don't think, they don't study the issues or the candidates' stands on them, they just - well, I don't know what they do anymore. Look at how so many seemingly normal Americans jumped into the bushes, for example. (I said it from the very beginning and it bears repeating: stay-out-the-Bushes!) I have personally interviewed many of these individuals, by the way, and clearly they did not know why they supported him. Just because. So, so scarey!

Credit cards: Okay, I don't care who you are, credit cards have been the downfall of many a normal American citizen: neurosurgeons, swimming pool attendents, college professors, Walmart greeters, housewives, and homeless individuals. For that matter, credit cards were probably what created homeless people. Perfectly normal people can go a little crazy with credit cards in their possession, am I right?

On the plus side, when it comes to convenience, what could be better? Money to spend when you don't have any! Unfortunately, many people see credit cards this way; when in reality, our credit cards can be ideal tools for managing our finances. They make online purchases easy, let us carry less cash, and allow us to conveniently handle travel expenses. Why do so many of us, then, go so crazy with credit and end up thousands of dollars in debt???

Beats me. I guess certain things just make us a sort of nutso. Even little plastic cards.


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