Thursday, December 07, 2006

An Inconvenient Truth - Our Planet is at Stake

Did you know that while the "war on terror" has fervently waged on, a much larger and more dangerous threat to our very existance has been rapidly closing in on us? The fact is that we are very nearly at the point of no return; but, of course, the Bush administration, in all its power and pompousness, has failed to even acknowledge, let alone act on this very real peril to the habitability of the earth.

Of course, I'm talking about global warming. This is not just a scientific term that we can let others worry about any more. We are seeing the catastrophic effects on the changing global climate very clearly, and it is affecting the very lives of hundreds of thousands of people and other living things all over the world. This is not a partison or a national issue anymore; it is a habitability issue. Whether you are Democrate or Republican or whatever, whether you live in California or New Hampshire or Peru or China, global warming will greatly affect your life and the lives of your children very shortly, if we don't act now.

See for yourself what is going on. See photos of glaciers that have literally disappeared within the last a few years, and at least one town in Alaska that has disappeared with them. Warmer oceans have created fiercer (and more) storms like Katrina. Why is that? Drier, hotter fires are burning in the California, even in winter. Why??? Please, learn more and find out what you can do: check out this award winning film, An Inconvenient Truth, and see for yourself. Warning: this is scary stuff, but ignorance is much more dangerous. The concensus is that we have only the next decade or so to act, or the damage can never be undone.

By the way, there are skeptics who argue that this is all "junk science" or mere conjecture. (I think most are paid conservative propagandists.) Okay, what if it IS wrong? Can becoming better stewards of our planet hurt?

The real question is (and the answer appears evident), what if it's right?


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